Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Writing posts

Workflow for writing posts if your name is Rafa/Jeff/Roger

To write a new post follow these guidlines.

  1. Update the repo
    • The first time, clone this repo
    • After that do git pull origin master to make sure you get all the new posts from others
  2. Go to the folder _posts
  3. Copy the example post: to a new file with the format:
  4. Write your post in markdown.
  5. Add, commmit, and push your changes to the repo
  6. Tweet about the post/post to Facebook/post to reddit

Workflow for writing posts if you are a contributor

To write a new post you can either contact Roger/Jeff/Rafa first to ask if you can guest post (preferred) or just send a pull request (less preferred).

  1. Update the repo:
    • The first time fork this repo
    • After that do git pull origin master to make sure you get all the new posts from others
  2. Go to the folder _posts
  3. Copy the example post: to a new file with the format:
  4. Write your post in markdown.
  5. Add a line at the beginning that says: Editor’s note this is a guest post by … with your information.
  6. Add, commmit, and push your changes to your forked branch
  7. Send a pull request
  8. We will review the pull request and if (a) the pull request can be accepted with no changes and (b) we approve of the post we will accept the pull request and your post will appear on the blog.
  9. Tweet about the post/post to Facebook/post to reddit