Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Faculty/postdoc job opportunities in genomics across Johns Hopkins

It’s pretty exciting to be in genomics at Hopkins right now with three new Bloomberg professors in genomics areas, a ton of stellar junior faculty, and a really fun group of students/postdocs. If you want to get in on the action here is a non-comprehensive list of great opportunities.

Faculty Jobs

Job: Multiple tenure track faculty positions in all areas including in genomics

Department:  Biostatistics

To apply:

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Tenure track position in data intensive biology

Department:  Biology

To apply

Deadline: Nov 1st and ongoing

Job: Tenure track positions in bioinformatics, with focus on proteomics or sequencing data analysis

Department:  Oncology Biostatistics

To apply

Deadline: Review ongoing


Postdoc Jobs

Job: Postdoc(s) in statistical methods/software development for RNA-seq

Employer:  Jeff Leek

To apply: email Jeff (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Data scientist for integrative genomics in the human brain (MS/PhD)

Employer:  Andrew Jaffe

To apply: email Andrew (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Research associate for genomic data processing and analysis (BA+)

Employer:  Andrew Jaffe

To apply: email Andrew (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: PhD developing scalable software and algorithms for analyzing sequencing data

Employer:  Ben Langmead

To apply:

Deadline: See site

Job: Postdoctoral researcher developing scalable software and algorithms for analyzing sequencing data

Employer:  Ben Langmead

To apply:  email Ben (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral researcher developing algorithms for challenging problems in large-scale genomics whole-genome assenbly, RNA-seq analysis, and microbiome analysis

Employer:  Steven Salzberg

To apply:  email Steven (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Research associate for genomic data processing and analysis (BA+) in cancer

Employer:  Luigi Marchionni (with Don Geman)

To apply:  email Luigi (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral researcher developing algorithms for biomarkers development and precision medicine application in cancer

Employer:  Luigi Marchionni (with Don Geman)

To apply:  email Luigi (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job:Postdoctoral researcher developing methods in machine learning, genomics, and regulatory variation

Employer:  Alexis Battle

To apply:  email Alexis (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral fellow with interests in biomarker discovery for Alzheimer’s disease

Employer:  Madhav Thambisetty / Ingo Ruczinski

To apply:

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral positions for research in the interface of statistical genetics, precision medicine and big data

Employer:  Nilanjan Chatterjee

To apply:

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral research developing algorithms and software for time course pattern detection in genomics data

Employer:  Elana Fertig

To apply:  email Elana (

Deadline: Review ongoing

Job: Postdoctoral fellow to develop novel methods for large-scale DNA and RNA sequence analysis related to human and/or plant genetics, such as developing methods for discovering structural variations in cancer or for assembling and analyzing large complex plant genomes.

Employer:  Mike Schatz

To apply:  email Mike (

Deadline: Review ongoing


We are all always on the hunt for good Ph.D. students. At Hopkins students are admitted to specific departments. So if you find a faculty member you want to work with, you can apply to their department. Here are the application details for the various departments admitting students to work on genomics: