Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Simply Statistics Podcast #1

Simply Statistics Podcast #1.

To mark the occasion of our 1-year anniversary of starting the blog, Jeff, Rafa, and I have recorded our first podcast. You can tell that it’s our very first podcast because we don’t appear to have any idea what we’re doing. However, we decided to throw caution to the wind.

In this episode we talk about why we started the blog and discuss our thoughts on statistics and big data. Be sure to watch to the end as Rafa provides a special treat.

UPDATE: For those of you who can’t bear the sight of us, there is an audio only version.

UPDATE 2: I have setup an RSS feed for the audio-only version of the podcast.

UPDATE 3: Here is the RSS feed for HD video version of the podcast.