Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Interview with Cole Trapnell of UW Genome Sciences

Cole Trapnell is an Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington. He is the developer of multiple incredibly widely used tools for genomics including Tophat, Cufflinks, and Monocle. His lab at UW studies cell differentiation, reprogramming, and other transitions between stable or metastable cellular states using a combination of computational and experimental techniques. We talked to Cole as part of our ongoing interview series with exciting junior data scientists. 
SS: Do you consider yourself a computer scientist, a statistician, a computational biologist, or something else?

CT: The questions that get me up and out of bed in the morning the fastest are biology questions. I work on cell differentiation - I want to know how to define the state of a cell and how to predict transitions between states. That said, my approach to these questions so far has been to use new technologies to look at previously hard to access aspects of gene regulation.  For example, I’ve used RNA-Seq to look beyond gene expression into finer layers of regulation like splicing. Analyzing sequencing experiments often involves some pretty non-trivial math, computer science, and statistics.  These data sets are huge, so you need fast algorithms to even look at them. They all involve transforming reads into a useful readout of biology, and the technical and biological variability in that transformation needs to be understood and controlled for, so you see cool mathematical and statistical problems all the time. So I guess you could say that I’m a biologist, both experimental and computational. I have to do some computer science and statistics in order to do biology.

SS: You got a Ph.D. in computer science but have spent the last several years in a wet lab learning to be a bench biologist - why did you make that choice?

CT: Three reasons, mainly:

1) I thought learning to do bench work would make me a better overall scientist.  It has, in many ways, I think. It’s fundamentally changed the way I approach the questions I work on, but it’s also made me more effective in lots of tiny ways. I remember when I first got to John Rinn’s lab, we needed some way to track lots of libraries and other material.  I came up with some scheme where each library would get an 8-digit alphanumeric code generated by a hash function or something like that (we’d never have to worry about collisions!). My lab mate handed me a marker and said, “OK, write that on the side of these 12 micro centrifuge tubes”.  I threw out my scheme and came up with something like “JR_1”, “JR_2”, etc.  That’s a silly example, but I mention it because it reminds me of how completely clueless I was about where biological data really comes from.

2) I wanted to establish an independent, long-term research program investigating differentiation, and I didn’t want to have to rely on collaborators to generate data. I knew at the end of grad school that I wanted to have my own wet lab, and I doubted that anyone would trust me with that kind of investment without doing some formal training. Despite the now-common recognition by experimental biologists that analysis is incredibly important, there’s still a perception out there that computational biologists aren’t “real biologists”, and that computational folks are useful tools, but not the drivers of the intellectual agenda. That's of course not true, but I didn’t want to fight the stigma.

3) It sounded fun. I had one or two friends who had followed the "dry to wet” training trajectory, and they were having a blast.   Seeing a result live under the microscope is satisfying in a way that I’ve rarely experienced looking at a computer screen.

SS: Do you plan to have both a wet lab and a dry lab when you start your new group? 

CT: Yes. I’m going to be starting my lab at the University of Washington in the department of Genome Sciences this summer, and it’s going to be a roughly 50/50 operation, I hope. Many of the labs there are set up that way, and there’s a real culture of valuing both sides. As a postdoc, I’ve been extremely fortunate to collaborate with grad students and postdocs who were trained as cell or molecular biologists but wanted to learn sequencing analysis. We’d train each other, often at great cost in terms of time spent solving “somebody else’s problem”.  I’m going to do my best to create an environment like that, the way John did for me and my lab mates.

SS: You are frequently on the forefront of new genomic technologies. As data sets get larger and more complicated how do we ensure reproducibility and replicability of computational results? 

CT: That’s a good question, and I don’t really have a good answer. You’ve talked a lot on this blog about the importance of making science more reproducible and how journals could change to make it so. I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of what you’ve said. I like the idea of "papers as packages”, but I don’t see it happening soon, because it’s a huge amount of extra work and there’s not a big incentive to do so.  Doing so might make it easier to be attacked, so there could even a disincentive! Scientists do well when the publish papers and those papers are cited widely. We have lots of ways to quantify “impact” - h-index, total citation count, how many times your paper is shared via twitter on a given day, etc.  (Say what you want about whether these are meaningful measures).

We don’t have a good way to track who’s right and who’s wrong, or whose results are reproducible and whose aren’t, short of full blown paper retraction.  Most papers aren’t even checked in a serious way. Worse, the papers that are checked are the ones that a lot of people see - few people spend precious time following up on tangential observations in low circulation journals.  So there’s actually an incentive to publish “controversial" results in highly visible journals because at least you’re getting attention.

Maybe we need a Yelp for papers and data sets?  One where in order to dispute the reproducibility of the analysis, you’d have to provide the code *you* ran to generate a contradictory result?  There needs to be a genuine and tangible *reward* (read: funding and career advancement) for putting up an analysis that others can dive into, verify, extend, and learn from.

In any case, I think it’s worth noting that reproducibility is not a problem unique to computation - experimentalists have a hard time reproducing results they got last week, much less results that came from some other lab!  There’s all kinds of harmless reasons for that.  Experiments are hard.  Reagents come in bad lots. You had too much coffee that morning and can’t steady your pipet hand to save your life. But I worry a bit that we could spend a lot of effort making our analysis totally automated and perfectly reproducible and still be faced with the same problem.

SS: What are the interesting statistical challenges in single-cell RNA-sequencing? 


Oh man, there are many.  Here’s a few:

1) There some very interesting questions about variability in expression across cells, or within one cell across time. There’s clearly a lot of variability in the expression level of a given gene across cells.  But there’s really no way right now to take “replicate” measurements of a single cell.  What would that mean?  With current technology, to make an RNA-Seq library form a cell, you have to lyse it.  So that’s it for that cell.  Even if you had a non-invasive way to measure the whole transcriptome, the cell is a living machine that’s always changing in ways large and small, even in culture. Would you consider repeated measurements “replicates”.  Furthermore, how can you say that two different cells are “replicate” measurements of a  single, defined cell state?  Do such states even really exist?

For that matter, we don’t have a good way of assessing how much variability stems from technical sources as opposed to biological sources.  One common way of assessing technical variability is to spike some alien transcripts at known concentrations in to purified RNA before making the library, so you can see how variable your endpoint measurements are for those alien transcripts. But to do that for single-cell RNA-Seq, we’d have to actually spike transcripts *into* the nucleus of a cell before we lyse it and put it through the library prep process.  Just doping it into the lysate’s not good enough, because the lysis itself might (and likely does) destroy a substantial fraction of the endogenous RNA in the cell.  So there are some real barriers to overcome in order to get a handle on how much variability is really biological.

2) A second challenge is writing down what a biological process looks like at single cell resolution. I mean we want to write down a model that predicts the expression levels of each gene in a cell as it goes through some biological process. We want to be able to say this gene comes on first, then this one, then these genes, and so on. In genomics up until now, we’ve been in the situation where we are measuring many variables (P) from few measurements (N).  That is, N << P, typically, which has made this problem extremely difficult.  With single cell RNA-Seq, that may no longer be the case.  We can already easily capture hundreds of cells, and thousands of cells per capture is just around the corner, so soon, N will be close to P, and maybe someday greater.

Assume for the moment that we are capturing cells that are either resting at or transiting between well defined states. You can think of each cell as a point in a high-dimensional geometric space, where each gene is a different dimension.  We’d like to find those equilibrium states and figure out which genes are correlated with which other genes.  Even better, we’d like to study the transitions between states and identify the genes that drive them.  The curse of dimensionality is always going to be a problem (we’re not likely to capture millions or billions of cells anytime soon), but maybe we have enough data to make some progress. There’s interesting literature out there for tackling problems at this scale, but to my knowledge these methods haven’t yet been widely applied in biology.  I guess you can think of cell differentiation viewed at whole-transcriptome, single-cell resolution as one giant manifold learning problem.  Same goes for oncogenesis, tissue homeostasis, reprogramming, and on and on. It’s going to be very exciting to see the convergence of large scale statistical machine learning and cell biology.

SS: If you could do it again would you do computational training then wet lab training or the other way around? 

CT: I’m happy with how I did things, but I’ve seen folks go the other direction very successfully.  My labmates Loyal Goff and Dave Hendrickson started out as molecular biologists, but they’re wizards at the command line now.

SS: What is your programming language of choice? 

CT: Oh, I’d say I hate them all equally 😉

Just kidding. I’ll always love C++. I work in R a lot these days, as my work has veered away from developing tools for other people towards analyzing data I’ve generated.  I still find lots of things about R to be very painful, but ggplot2, plyr, and a handful of other godsend packages make the juice worth the squeeze.

Repost: A deterministic statistical machine

Editor’s note: This is a repost of our previous post about deterministic statistical machines. It is inspired by the recent announcement that the Automatic Statistician received funding from Google. In 2012 we also applied to Google for a small research award to study this same problem, but didn’t get it. In the interest of extreme openness like Titus Brown or Ethan White, here is our application we submitted to Google. I showed this to a friend who told me the reason we didn’t get it is because our proposal was missing two words: “artificial”, “intelligence”. 

As Roger pointed out the most recent batch of Y Combinator startups included a bunch of data-focused companies. One of these companies, StatWing, is a web-based tool for data analysis that looks like an improvement on SPSS with more plain text, more visualization, and a lot of the technical statistical details “under the hood”. I first read about StatWing on TechCrunch, where the title, “How Statwing Makes It Easier To Ask Questions About Data So You Don’t Have To Hire a Statistical Wizard”.

StatWing looks super user-friendly and the idea of democratizing statistical analysis so more people can access these ideas is something that appeals to me. But, as one of the aforementioned statistical wizards, this had me freaked out for a minute. Once I looked at the software though, I realized it suffers from the same problem that most “user-friendly” statistical software suffers from. It makes it really easy to screw up a data analysis. It will tell you when something is significant and if you don’t like that it isn’t, you can keep slicing and dicing the data until it is. The key issue behind getting insight from data is knowing when you are fooling yourself with confounders, or small effect sizes, or overfitting. StatWing looks like an improvement on the UI experience of data analysis, but it won’t prevent false positives that plague science and cost business big $$.

So I started thinking about what kind of software would prevent these sort of problems while still being accessible to a big audience. My idea is a “deterministic statistical machine”. Here is how it works, you input a data set and then specify the question you are asking (is variable Y related to variable X? can i predict Z from W?) then, depending on your question, it uses a deterministic set of methods to analyze the data. Say regression for inference, linear discriminant analysis for prediction, etc. But the method is fixed and deterministic for each question. It also performs a pre-specified set of checks for outliers, confounders, missing data, maybe even data fudging. It generates a report with a markdown tool and then immediately publishes the result to figshare.

The advantage is that people can get their data-related questions answered using a standard tool. It does a lot of the “heavy lifting” in checking for potential problems and produces nice reports. But it is a deterministic algorithm for analysis so overfitting, fudging the analysis, etc. are harder. By publishing all reports to figshare, it makes it even harder to fudge the data. If you fiddle with the data to try to get a result you want, there will be a “multiple testing paper trail” following you around.

The DSM should be a web service that is easy to use. Anybody want to build it? Any suggestions for how to do it better?

Thinking Like a Statistician: Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’

A few months ago the Pew Research Internet Project published a paper on social media and the ‘spiral of silence’. Their main finding is that people are less likely to discuss a controversial topic on social media than in person. Unlike others, I  did not find this result surprising, perhaps because I think like a statistician.

Shares or retweets of published opinions on controversial political topics - religion, abortion rights, gender inequality, immigration, income inequality, race relations, the role of government, foreign policy, education, climate change - are ubiquitous in social media. These are usually accompanied by passionate statements of strong support or outraged disagreement. Because these are posted by people we elect to follow, we generally agree with what we see on our feeds. Here is a statistical explanation for why many keep silent when they disagree.

We will summarize the political view of an individual as their opinions on the 10 topics listed above. For simplicity I will assume these opinions can be quantified with a left (liberal) to right (conservative) scale. Every individual can therefore be defined by a point in a 10 dimensional space. Once quantified in this way, we can define a political distance between any pair of individuals. In the American landscape there are two clear clusters which I will call the Fox News and MSNBC clusters. As seen in the illustration below, the cluster centers are very far from each other and individuals within the clusters are very close. Each cluster has a very low opinion of the other. A glance through a social media feed will quickly reveal individuals squarely inside one of these clusters. Members of the clusters fearlessly post their opinions on controversial topics as this behavior is rewarded by likes, retweets or supportive comments from others in their cluster. Based on the uniformity of opinion inferred from the comments, one would think that everybody is in one of these two groups. But this is obviously not the case.


In the illustration above I include an example of an individual (the green dot) that is outside the two clusters. Although not shown, there are many of these independent thinkers. In our example, this individual is very close to the MSNBC cluster, but not in it. The controversial topic posts in this person’s feed are mostly posted by those in the cluster of closest proximity, and the spiral of silence is due in part to the fact that independent thinkers are uniformly adverse to disagreeing publicly. For the mathematical explanation of why, we introduce the concept of a projection.

In mathematics, a projection can map a multidimensional point to a smaller, simpler, subset. In our illustration, the independent thinker is very close to the MSNBC cluster on all dimensions except one. To use education as an example, let’s say this person supports school choice. As seen in the illustration, in the projection to the education dimension, that mostly liberal person is squarely in the Fox News cluster. Now imagine that a friend shares an article on The Corporate Takeover of Public Education along with a passionate statement of approval. Independent thinkers have a feeling that by voicing their dissent, dozens, perhaps hundreds, of strangers on social media (friends of friends for example) will judge them solely on this projection. To make matters worse, public shaming of the independent thinker, for supposedly being a member of the Fox News cluster, will then be rewarded by increased social standing among the MSNBC cluster as evidenced by retweets, likes and supportive comments. In a worse case scenario for this person, and best case scenario for the critics, this public shaming goes viral. While the short term rewards for preaching to the echo chamber are clear, there are no apparent incentives for dissent.

The superficial and fast paced nature of social media is not amenable to nuances and subtleties. Disagreement with the groupthink on one specific topic can therefore get a person labeled as a “neoliberal corporate shill” by the MSNBC cluster or a “godless liberal” by the Fox News one. The irony is that in social media, those politically closest to you, will be the ones attaching the unwanted label.

HarvardX Biomedical Data Science Open Online Training Curriculum launches on January 19

We recently received We recently received  initiative to develop MOOCs for biomedical data science. Our first offering will be version 2 of my Data Analysis for Genomics course which will launch on January 19. In this version, the course will be turned into an 8 course series and you can get a certificate in each one of them. The motivation for doing this is to go more in-depth into the different topics and to provide different entry points for students with different levels of expertise. We provide four courses on concepts and skills and four case-study based course. We basically broke the original class into the following eight parts:

  1. Statistics and R for the Life Sciences
  2. Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra
  3. Advanced Statistics for the Life Sciences
  4. Introduction to Bioconductor
  5. Case study: RNA-seq data analysis
  6. Case study: Variant Discovery and Genotyping
  7. Case study: ChIP-seq data analysis
  8. Case study: DNA methylation data analysis

You can follow the links to enroll. While not required, some familiarity with R and Rstudio will serve you well so consider taking Roger’s R course and Jeff’s Toolbox course before delving into this class.

In years 2 and 3 we plan to introduce several other courses covering topics such as python for data analysis, probability, software engineering, and data visualization which will be taught by a collaboration between the departments of Biostatistics, Statistics and Computer Science at Harvard.

Announcements will be made here and on twitter: @rafalab


Data Science Students Predict the Midterm Election Results

As explained in an earlier post, one of the homework assignments of my CS109 class was to predict the results of the midterm election. We created a competition in which 49 students entered. The most interesting challenge was to provide intervals for the republican - democrat difference in each of the 35 senate races. Anybody missing more than 2 was eliminated. The average size of the intervals was the tie breaker.

The main teaching objective here was to get students thinking about how to evaluate prediction strategies when chance is involved. To a naive observer, a biased strategy that favored democrats and correctly called, say, Virginia may look good in comparison to strategies that called it a toss-up.  However, a look at the other 34 states would reveal the weakness of this biased strategy. I wanted students to think of procedures that can help distinguish lucky guesses from strategies that universally perform well.

One of the concepts we discussed in class was the systematic bias of polls which we modeled as a random effect. One can’t infer this bias from polls until after the election passes. By studying previous elections students were able to estimate the SE of this random effect and incorporate it into the calculation of intervals. The realization of this random effect was very large in these elections (about +4 for the democrats) which clearly showed the importance of modeling this source of variability. Strategies that restricted standard error measures to sample estimates from this year’s polls did very poorly. The 90% credible intervals provided by 538, which I believe does incorporate this, missed 8 of the 35 races (23%). This suggests that they underestimated the variance.  Several of our students compared favorably to 538:

name avg bias MSE avg interval size # missed
Manuel Andere -3.9 6.9 24.1 3
Richard Lopez -5.0 7.4 26.9 3
Daniel Sokol -4.5 6.4 24.1 4
Isabella Chiu -5.3 9.6 26.9 6
Denver Mosigisi Ogaro -3.2 6.6 18.9 7
Yu Jiang -5.6 9.6 22.6 7
David Dowey -3.5 6.2 16.3 8
Nate Silver -4.2 6.6 16.4 8
Filip Piasevoli -3.5 7.4 22.1 8
Yapeng Lu -6.5 8.2 16.5 10
David Jacob Lieb -3.7 7.2 17.1 10
Vincent Nguyen -3.8 5.9 11.1 14

It is important to note that 538 would have probably increased their interval size had they actively participated in a competition requiring 95% of the intervals to cover. But all in all, students did very well. The majority correctly predicted the republican take over. The median mean square error across all 49 participantes was 8.2 which was not much worse that 538’s 6.6. Other example of strategies that I think helped some of these students perform well was the use of creative weighting schemes (based on previous elections) to average poll and the use of splines to estimate trends, which in this particular election were going in the republican’s favor.

Here are some plots showing results from two of our top performers:

Rplot Rplot01

I hope this exercise helped students realize that data science can be both fun and useful. I can’t wait to do this again in 2016.