Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Mastering Software Development in R

By Roger Peng

Today I’m happy to announce that we’re launching a new specialization on Coursera titled Mastering Software Development in R. This is a 5-course sequence developed with Sean Kross and Brooke Anderson.

This sequence differs from our previous Data Science Specialization because it focuses primarily on using R for developing software. We’ve found that as the field of data science evolves, it is becoming ever more clear that software development skills are essential for producing useful data science results and products. In addition, there is a tremendous need for tooling in the data science universe and we want to train people to build those tools.

The first course, The R Programming Environment, launches today. In the following months, we will launch the remaining courses:

  • Advanced R Programming
  • Building R Packages
  • Building Data Visualization Tools

In addition to the course, we have a companion textbook that goes along with the sequence. The book is available from Leanpub and is currently in progress (if you get the book now, you will receive free updates as they are available). We will be releaseing new chapters of the book alongside the launches of the other courses in the sequence.