Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Sunday data/statistics link roundup (12/7/14)

  1. A randomized controlled trial shows that using conversation to detect suspicious behavior is much more effective then just monitoring body language (via Ann L. on Twitter). This comes as a crushing blow to those of us who enjoyed the now-cancelled Lie to Me and assumed it was all real.
  2. Check out this awesome real-time visualization of different types of network attacks. Rafa says if you watch long enough you will almost certainly observe a “storm” of attacks. A cool student project would be modeling the distribution of these attacks if you could collect the data (via David S.).
  3. Consider this: Did Big Data Kill the Statistician? I understand the sentiment, that statistical thinking and applied statistics has been around a long time and has produced some good ideas. On the other hand, there is definitely a large group of statisticians who aren’t willing to expand their thinking beyond a really narrow set of ideas (via Rafa)
  4. Gangnam Style viewership creates integers too big for Youtube (via Rafa)
  5. A couple of interviews worth reading, [ 1. A randomized controlled trial shows that using conversation to detect suspicious behavior is much more effective then just monitoring body language (via Ann L. on Twitter). This comes as a crushing blow to those of us who enjoyed the now-cancelled Lie to Me and assumed it was all real.
  6. Check out this awesome real-time visualization of different types of network attacks. Rafa says if you watch long enough you will almost certainly observe a “storm” of attacks. A cool student project would be modeling the distribution of these attacks if you could collect the data (via David S.).
  7. Consider this: Did Big Data Kill the Statistician? I understand the sentiment, that statistical thinking and applied statistics has been around a long time and has produced some good ideas. On the other hand, there is definitely a large group of statisticians who aren’t willing to expand their thinking beyond a really narrow set of ideas (via Rafa)
  8. Gangnam Style viewership creates integers too big for Youtube (via Rafa)
  9. A couple of interviews worth reading,]( and SAMSI’s with Jyotishka Data (via Jamie N.)
  10.  A piece on the secrets we don’t know we are giving away through giving our data to [companies/the government/the internet].