Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Simply Statistics #JSM2013 Picks for Tuesday

It seems like Monday was a big hit at JSM with Nate Silver’s talk and all. Rafa estimates that there were about 1 million people there (+/- 1 million). Ramnath Vaidyanathan has a nice summary of the talk and the Q&A afterwards. Among other things, Silver encouraged people to start a blog and communicate directly with the public. Couldn’t agree more! Thanks to all who live-tweeted at #JSM2013. I felt like I was there.

On to Tuesday! Here’s where I’d like to go:

  • 8:30-10:20am: Spatial Uncertainty in Public Health Problems (CC-513b); and since Nate says education is the next important area, Statistical Knowledge for Teaching: Research Results and Implications for Professional Development (CC-520d)
  • 10:30am-12:20pm: Check out the latest in causal inference at Fresh Perspectives on Causal Inference (CC-512f) and come see the future of statistics at the **SBSS Student Paper Travel Award Winners II** (CC-520d)
  • 2-3:50pm: There’s a cast of all-stars over in the Biased Epidemiological Study Designs: Opportunities and Challenges (CC-511c) session and a visualization session with an interesting premise Painting a Picture of Life in the United States (CC-510a)
  • 4-5:50pm: Only two choices here, so take your pick (or flip a coin).