Simply Statistics A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry, Roger Peng, and Jeff Leek

Sunday data/statistics link roundup (7/28/13)

  1. An article in the Huffpo about a report claiming there is no gender bias in the hiring of physics faculty. I didn’t read the paper carefully but  I definitely agree with the quote from  Prof. Dame Athene Donald that the comparison should be made to the number of faculty candidates on the market. I’d also be a little careful about touting my record of gender equality if only 13% of faculty in my discipline were women (via Alex N.).
  2. If you are the only person who hasn’t seen the upwardly mobile by geography article yet, here it is (via Rafa). Also covered over at the great “charts n things” blog.
  3. Finally some good news on the science funding front; a Senate panel raises NSF’s budget by 8% (the link worked for me earlier but I was having a little trouble today). I think that this is of course a positive development. I think that article pairs very well with this provocative piece suggesting Detroit might have done better if they had a private research school.
  4. I’m going to probably talk about this more later in the week because it gets my blood pressure up, but I thought I’d just say again that hyperbolic takedowns of the statistical methods in specific papers in the popular press leads only one direction.